Package: ade4 1.7-23

Aurélie Siberchicot

ade4: Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences

Tools for multivariate data analysis. Several methods are provided for the analysis (i.e., ordination) of one-table (e.g., principal component analysis, correspondence analysis), two-table (e.g., coinertia analysis, redundancy analysis), three-table (e.g., RLQ analysis) and K-table (e.g., STATIS, multiple coinertia analysis). The philosophy of the package is described in Dray and Dufour (2007) <doi:10.18637/jss.v022.i04>.

Authors:Stéphane Dray [aut], Anne-Béatrice Dufour [aut], Jean Thioulouse [aut], Daniel Chessel [ant], Thibaut Jombart [ctb], Sandrine Pavoine [ctb], Jean R. Lobry [ctb], Sébastien Ollier [ctb], Daniel Borcard [ctb], Pierre Legendre [ctb], Stéphanie Bougeard [ctb], Aurélie Siberchicot [ctb, cre]

ade4.pdf |ade4.html
ade4/json (API)

# Install 'ade4' in R:
install.packages('ade4', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • - Phylogenies and quantitative traits from Abouheif
  • acacia - Spatial pattern analysis in plant communities
  • aminoacyl - Codon usage
  • apis108 - Allelic frequencies in ten honeybees populations at eight microsatellites loci
  • aravo - Distribution of Alpine plants in Aravo
  • ardeche - Fauna Table with double (row and column) partitioning
  • arrival - Arrivals at an intensive care unit
  • atlas - Small Ecological Dataset
  • atya - Genetic variability of Cacadors
  • avijons - Bird species distribution
  • avimedi - Fauna Table for Constrained Ordinations
  • aviurba - Ecological Tables Triplet
  • bacteria - Genomes of 43 Bacteria
  • banque - Table of Factors
  • baran95 - African Estuary Fishes
  • bf88 - Cubic Ecological Data
  • bordeaux - Wine Tasting
  • bsetal97 - Ecological and Biological Traits
  • buech - Buech basin
  • butterfly - Genetics-Ecology-Environment Triple
  • capitales - Road Distances
  • carni19 - Phylogeny and quantative trait of carnivora
  • carni70 - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of carnivora
  • carniherbi49 - Taxonomy, phylogenies and quantitative traits of carnivora and herbivora
  • casitas - Enzymatic polymorphism in Mus musculus
  • chatcat - Qualitative Weighted Variables
  • chats - Pair of Variables
  • chazeb - Charolais-Zebus
  • chevaine - Enzymatic polymorphism in Leuciscus cephalus
  • chickenk - Veterinary epidemiological study to assess the risk factors for losses in broiler chickens
  • clementines - Fruit Production
  • cnc2003 - Frequenting movie theaters in France in 2003
  • coleo - Table of Fuzzy Biological Traits
  • corvus - Corvus morphology
  • deug - Exam marks for some students
  • doubs - Pair of Ecological Tables
  • dunedata - Dune Meadow Data
  • ecg - Electrocardiogram data
  • ecomor - Ecomorphological Convergence
  • elec88 - Electoral Data
  • escopage - K-tables of wine-tasting
  • euro123 - Triangular Data
  • fission - Fission pattern and heritable morphological traits
  • friday87 - Faunistic K-tables
  • fruits - Pair of Tables
  • ggtortoises - Microsatellites of Galapagos tortoises populations
  • granulo - Granulometric Curves
  • hdpg - Genetic Variation In Human Populations
  • houmousr - Morphometric data set
  • housetasks - Contingency Table
  • humDNAm - Human mitochondrial DNA restriction data
  • ichtyo - Point sampling of fish community
  • irishdata - Geary's Irish Data
  • julliot - Seed dispersal
  • jv73 - K-tables Multi-Regions
  • kcponds - Ponds in a nature reserve
  • lascaux - Genetic/Environment and types of variables
  • lizards - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of lizards
  • macaca - Landmarks
  • macon - Wine Tasting
  • macroloire - Assemblages of Macroinvertebrates in the Loire River
  • mafragh - Phyto-Ecological Survey
  • maples - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
  • mariages - Correspondence Analysis Table
  • meau - Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and when
  • meaudret - Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and when
  • microsatt - Genetic Relationships between cattle breeds with microsatellites
  • mjrochet - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of teleos fishes
  • mollusc - Faunistic Communities and Sampling Experiment
  • monde84 - Global State of the World in 1984
  • morphosport - Athletes' Morphology
  • - Phylogenetic trees in Newick format
  • njplot - Phylogeny and trait of bacteria
  • olympic - Olympic Decathlon
  • oribatid - Oribatid mite
  • ours - A table of Qualitative Variables
  • palm - Phylogenetic and quantitative traits of amazonian palm trees
  • pap - Taxonomy and quantitative traits of carnivora
  • pcw - Distribution of of tropical trees along the Panama canal
  • perthi02 - Contingency Table with a partition in Molecular Biology
  • piosphere - Plant traits response to grazing
  • presid2002 - Results of the French presidential elections of 2002
  • procella - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of birds
  • rankrock - Ordination Table
  • rhizobium - Genetic structure of two nitrogen fixing bacteria influenced by geographical isolation and host specialization
  • rhone - Physico-Chemistry Data
  • rpjdl - Avifauna and Vegetation
  • santacatalina - Indirect Ordination
  • sarcelles - Array of Recapture of Rings
  • seconde - Students and Subjects
  • skulls - Morphometric Evolution
  • steppe - Transect in the Vegetation
  • syndicats - Two Questions asked on a Sample of 1000 Respondents
  • t3012 - Average temperatures of 30 French cities
  • tarentaise - Mountain Avifauna
  • - Examples of taxonomy
  • tintoodiel - Tinto and Odiel estuary geochemistry
  • tithonia - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
  • tortues - Morphological Study of the Painted Turtle
  • toxicity - Homogeneous Table
  • trichometeo - Pair of Ecological Data
  • ungulates - Phylogeny and quantitative traits of ungulates.
  • vegtf - Vegetation in Trois-Fontaines
  • veuvage - Example for Centring in PCA
  • westafrica - Freshwater fish zoogeography in west Africa
  • woangers - Plant assemblages in woodlands of the conurbation of Angers
  • worksurv - French Worker Survey
  • yanomama - Distance Matrices
  • zealand - Road distances in New-Zealand


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Doc / VignettesOKOct 07 2024
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R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEOct 07 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEOct 07 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64NOTEOct 07 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEOct 07 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTEOct 07 2024




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Last update: 2024-07-12
Started: 2023-05-17

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
The ade4 packageade4-package ade4
Phylogenies and quantitative traits from
Spatial pattern analysis in plant communitiesacacia
Add graphics to an existing plotadd.scatter add.scatter.eig
Codon usageaminoacyl
Analysis of molecular varianceamova print.amova
Allelic frequencies in ten honeybees populations at eight microsatellites lociapis108
Apportionment of Quadratic Entropyapqe print.apqe
Distribution of Alpine plants in Aravo (Valloire, France)aravo
Fauna Table with double (row and column) partitioningardeche
Graphical Display of Areasarea.plot area.util.class area.util.contour area.util.xy area2link area2poly poly2area
Arrivals at an intensive care unitarrival
Taxonomyas.taxo dist.taxo
Small Ecological Datasetatlas
Genetic variability of Cacadorsatya
Bird species distributionavijons
Fauna Table for Constrained Ordinationsavimedi
Ecological Tables Tripletaviurba
Genomes of 43 Bacteriabacteria
Table of Factorsbanque
African Estuary Fishesbaran95
Between-Class Analysisbca bca.dudi
Between-class coinertia analysisbca.coinertia
Between-Class RLQ analysisbca.rlq plot.betrlq print.betrlq
Between-Class Analysisplot.betcoi plot.between print.betcoi print.between summary.between
Cubic Ecological Databf88
Double Weighted Centringbicenter.wt
Wine Tastingbordeaux
Ecological and Biological Traitsbsetal97
Buech basinbuech
Genetics-Ecology-Environment Triplebutterfly
Between- and within-class double principal coordinate analysisbca.dpcoa bwca.dpcoa print.betdpcoa print.witdpcoa randtest.betwit summary.betwit wca.dpcoa
Transformation to make Euclidean a distance matrixcailliez
Road Distancescapitales
Phylogeny and quantative trait of carnivoracarni19
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of carnivoracarni70
Taxonomy, phylogenies and quantitative traits of carnivora and herbivoracarniherbi49
Enzymatic polymorphism in Mus musculuscasitas
Qualitative Weighted Variableschatcat
Pair of Variableschats
Enzymatic polymorphism in Leuciscus cephaluschevaine
Veterinary epidemiological study to assess the risk factors for losses in broiler chickenschickenk
Fruit Productionclementines
Frequenting movie theaters in France in 2003cnc2003
Coinertia Analysiscoinertia plot.coinertia print.coinertia summary.coinertia
Table of Fuzzy Biological Traitscoleo
Functions to combine and adjust the outputs 3-table methodscombine.4thcorner combine.randtest.rlq p.adjust.4thcorner
Tests of randomization between distances applied to 'kdist' objetcscorkdist mantelkdist plot.corkdist print.corkdist RVkdist summary.corkdist
Corvus morphologycorvus
STATIS and Co-Inertia : Analysis of a series of paired ecological tablescostatis
Monte-Carlo test on a Costatis analysis (in C).costatis.randtest
Dagnelie multinormality testdagnelie.test
Deprecated functions in ade4ade4-deprecated
Exam marks for some studentsdeug
Rao's dissimilarity coefficientdisc
Linear Discriminant Analysis (descriptive statistic)discrimin plot.discrimin print.discrimin
Discriminant Correspondence Analysisdiscrimin.coa
Computation of Distance Matrices for Binary Datadist.binary
Computation of the Distance Matrix from a Statistical Tripletdist.dudi
Mixed-variables coefficient of distancedist.ktab kdist.cor ldist.ktab prep.binary prep.circular prep.fuzzy
Computation of the Distance Matrix associated to a Neighbouring Graphdist.neig
Computation of Distance Matrices of Percentage Datadist.prop
Computation of Distance Matrices on Quantitative Variablesdist.quant
Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic entropydivc
Maximal value of Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic entropydivcmax
Representation of many quantitative variables in front of a phylogenetic treedotchart.phylog
Representation of n values on a circledotcircle
Pair of Ecological Tablesdoubs
Double principal coordinate analysisdpcoa plot.dpcoa print.dpcoa summary.dpcoa
Duality Diagramas.dudi dudi is.dudi print.dudi redo.dudi summary.dudi t.dudi [.dudi
Multiple Correspondence Analysisacm.burt acm.disjonctif boxplot.acm dudi.acm
Correspondence Analysisdudi.coa
Decentred Correspondence Analysisdudi.dec
Fuzzy Correspondence Analysis and Fuzzy Principal Components Analysisdudi.fca dudi.fpca prep.fuzzy.var
Ordination of Tables mixing quantitative variables and factorsdudi.hillsmith
Ordination of Tables mixing quantitative variables and factorsdudi.mix
Non symmetric correspondence analysisdudi.nsc
Principal Component Analysisdudi.pca
Principal Coordinates Analysisdudi.pco scatter.pco
Dune Meadow Datadunedata
Electrocardiogram dataecg
Ecomorphological Convergenceecomor
Electoral Dataelec88
K-tables of wine-tastingescopage
Triangular Dataeuro123
Fission pattern and heritable morphological traitsfission
K-tables Correspondence Analysis with the same rows and the same columnsfoucart plot.foucart print.foucart
Functions to compute the fourth-corner statisticfourthcorner fourthcorner.rlq fourthcorner2 plot.4thcorner print.4thcorner summary.4thcorner
Faunistic K-tablesfriday87
Pair of Tablesfruits
Moran's I and Geary'c randomization tests for spatial and phylogenetic autocorrelationgearymoran
Microsatellites of Galapagos tortoises populationsggtortoises
Granulometric Curvesgranulo
Complete regular grid analysisgridrowcol
Genetic Variation In Human Populationshdpg
Morphometric data sethoumousr
Contingency Tablehousetasks
human mitochondrial DNA restriction datahumDNAm
Point sampling of fish communityichtyo
Decomposition of inertia (i.e. contributions) in multivariate methodsinertia inertia.dudi print.inertia summary.inertia
Geary's Irish Datairishdata
Is a Distance Matrix Euclidean?is.euclid summary.dist
Seed dispersaljulliot
K-tables Multi-Regionsjv73
Ponds in a nature reservekcponds
the class of objects 'kdist' (K distance matrices) c.kdist kdist print.kdist [.kdist
Transformation of K distance matrices (object 'kdist') into K Euclidean representations (object 'ktab')kdist2ktab
a way to obtain Euclidean distance matriceskdisteuclid
Generic Function for Multiple Graphs in a K-tables Analysiskplot
Multiple Graphs for the Foucart's Correspondence Analysiskplot.foucart
Multiple Graphs for a Multiple Co-inertia Analysiskplot.mcoa
Multiple Graphs for a Multiple Factorial Analysiskplot.mfa
Multiple Graphs for a Partial Triadic Analysiskplot.pta
Multiple Graphs for Separated Analyses in a K-tableskplot.sepan kplotsepan.coa
Multiple Graphs of a STATIS Analysiskplot.statis
Class of the Permutation Tests (in C).as.krandtest krandtest plot.krandtest print.krandtest [.krandtest [[.krandtest
the class of objects 'ktab' (K-tables)c.ktab col.names col.names.ktab col.names<- col.names<-.ktab is.ktab ktab ktab.util.addfactor ktab.util.names print.ktab row.names.ktab row.names<-.ktab t.ktab tab.names tab.names.ktab tab.names<- tab.names<-.ktab [.ktab
Creation of K-tables from a data
Creating a K-tables from a list of data frames.ktab.list.df
Creation of a K-tables from a list of duality diagramsktab.list.dudi
STATIS and Co-Inertia : Analysis of a series of paired ecological tablesktab.match2ktabs
Process to go from a Within Analysis to a K-tablesktab.within
Genetic/Environment and types of variableslascaux
Transformation of a Distance Matrix for becoming Euclideanlingoes
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of lizardslizards
Leave-one-out cross-validation for a 'bca'loocv.between plot.bcaloocv print.bcaloocv
Leave-one-out cross-validation for a 'discrimin' analysisloocv.discrimin plot.discloocv print.discloocv
Leave-one-out cross-validation for a 'dudi'loocv loocv.dudi
Wine Tastingmacon
Assemblages of Macroinvertebrates in the Loire River (France)macroloire
Phyto-Ecological Surveymafragh
Mantel test (correlation between two distance matrices (in C).)mantel.randtest
Mantel test (correlation between two distance matrices (in R).)mantel.rtest
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowersmaples
Correspondence Analysis Tablemariages
Multiblock principal component analysis with instrumental variablesmbpcaiv
Multiblock partial least squaresmbpls
Multiple CO-inertia Analysismcoa plot.mcoa print.mcoa summary.mcoa
Multiple Double Principal Coordinate AnalysiskplotX.mdpcoa mdpcoa prep.mdpcoa
Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and whenmeau
Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and whenmeaudret
Multiple Factorial Analysismfa plot.mfa print.mfa summary.mfa
Genetic Relationships between cattle breeds with microsatellitesmicrosatt
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of teleos fishesmjrochet
Multi Level Decomposition of unidimensional datahaar2level mld
Faunistic Communities and Sampling Experimentmollusc
Global State of the World in 1984monde84
Athletes' Morphologymorphosport
Minimal Spanning Treemstree
Display and summarize multiblock objectsprint.multiblock summary.multiblock
Neighbourhood Graphsnb2neig neig neig.util.GtoL neig.util.LtoG neig2mat neig2nb print.neig scores.neig summary.neig
Phylogenetic trees in Newick
Create phylogenyhclust2phylog newick2phylog newick2phylog.addtools taxo2phylog
Method to Analyse a pair of tables : Environmental and Faunistic Dataniche niche.param plot.niche print.niche rtest.niche
Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares (NIPALS) algorithmnipals print.nipals scatter.nipals
Phylogeny and trait of bacterianjplot
Olympic Decathlonolympic
Oribatid miteoribatid
Originality of a speciesoriginality
Orthonormal basis for orthonormal transformis.orthobasis orthobasis orthobasis.circ orthobasis.haar orthobasis.line orthobasis.mat orthobasis.neig plot.orthobasis print.orthobasis summary.orthobasis
A table of Qualitative Variablesours
Phylogenetic and quantitative traits of amazonian palm treespalm
Taxonomy and quantitative traits of carnivorapap
Principal component analysis with respect to instrumental variablespcaiv plot.pcaiv print.pcaiv summary.pcaiv
Principal Component Analysis with respect to orthogonal instrumental variablespcaivortho summary.pcaivortho
Simplified Analysis in Principal Coordinatespcoscaled
Distribution of of tropical trees along the Panama canalpcw
Contingency Table with a partition in Molecular Biologyperthi02
Phylogenyphylog phylog.extract phylog.permut print.phylog
Import data files from Phylogenetic Independance PackagePI2newick
Plant traits response to grazingpiosphere
Plot phylogeniesenum.phylog plot.phylog radial.phylog
Results of the French presidential elections of 2002presid2002
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of birdsprocella
Simple Procruste Rotation between two sets of pointsplot.procuste print.procuste procuste randtest.procuste
Monte-Carlo Test on the sum of the singular values of a procustean rotation (in C).procuste.randtest
Monte-Carlo Test on the sum of the singular values of a procustean rotation (in R).procuste.rtest
Partial Triadic Analysis of a K-tablesplot.pta print.pta pta
Transformation of a distance matrice to a Euclidean onequasieuclid
Bootstrap simulationsas.krandboot as.randboot print.krandboot print.randboot randboot
Bootstraped simulations for multiblock methodsrandboot.multiblock
Class of the Permutation Tests (in C).as.randtest plot.randtest print.randtest randtest
Permutation tests on an analysis of molecular variance (in C).randtest.amova
Monte-Carlo Test on the between-groups inertia percentage (in C).randtest.between
Monte-Carlo test on a Co-inertia analysis (in C).randtest.coinertia
Monte-Carlo Test on a Discriminant Analysis (in C).randtest.discrimin
Permutation test for double principal coordinate analysis (DPCoA)randtest.dpcoa
Monte-Carlo Test on the percentage of explained (i.e. constrained) inertiarandtest.pcaiv randtest.pcaivortho
Two-fold cross-validationas.krandxval as.randxval krandxval print.krandxval print.randxval randxval
Ordination Tablerankrock
Reconstitution of Data from a Duality Diagramreconst reconst.coa reconst.pca
Genetic structure of two nitrogen fixing bacteria influenced by geographical isolation and host specializationrhizobium
Physico-Chemistry Datarhone
RLQ analysisplot.rlq print.rlq randtest.rlq rlq summary.rlq
Avifauna and Vegetationrpjdl
Class of the Permutation Tests (in R).rtest
Monte-Carlo Test on the between-groups inertia percentage (in R).rtest.between
Monte-Carlo Test on a Discriminant Analysis (in R).rtest.discrimin
Monte-Carlo Test on the sum of eigenvalues of a co-inertia analysis (in C++ with Rcpp).RV.randtest
Monte-Carlo Test on the sum of eigenvalues of a co-inertia analysis (in R).RV.rtest
Tests of randomization on the correlation between two distance matrices (in R).RVdist.randtest
Monte-Carlo Test on the sum of eigenvalues of a within-class co-inertia analysis (in C++ with Rcpp).RVintra.randtest
Plot of the factorial maps for the projection of a vector basiss.arrow
Plot of the factorial maps with polygons of contour by level of a factors.chull
Plot of factorial maps with representation of point classess.class
Plot of the factorial maps of a correlation circles.corcircle
Plot of a frequency distributions.distri
Display of a scatterplot and its two marginal histogramss.hist
Graph of a variable using image and contours.image
Scatter Plot with Kernel Density Estimates.kde2d
Scatter Plots.label
Representation of an object in a graph by a pictures.logo scatterutil.logo
Plot of Paired Coordinatess.match
Scatterplot of two sets of coordinates and a partionning into classess.match.class
Graph of frequency profiles (useful for instance in genetic)s.multinom
Trajectory Plots.traject
Representation of a value in a graphs.value
Indirect Ordinationsantacatalina
Array of Recapture of Ringssarcelles
Compute or scale data using (weighted) means, variances and covariances (possibly for the levels of a factor)covfacwt covwt meanfacwt scalefacwt scalewt varfacwt varwt
Graphical representation of the outputs of a multivariate analysisbiplot.dudi scatter screeplot.dudi
Plot of the factorial maps in a Multiple Correspondence Analysisscatter.acm
Plot of the factorial maps for a correspondence analysisscatter.coa
Plot of the Factorial Mapsscatter.dudi
Plot of the factorial maps for a fuzzy correspondence analysisscatter.fca
Graphical utility functionsscatterutil scatterutil.base scatterutil.chull scatterutil.convrot90 scatterutil.eigen scatterutil.ellipse scatterutil.eti scatterutil.eti.circ scatterutil.grid scatterutil.legend.square.grey scatterutil.legendgris scatterutil.scaling scatterutil.sco scatterutil.sub
Representation of the link between a variable and a set of qualitative variablessco.boxplot
1D plot of a numeric score and a factor with labelssco.class
Representation by mean- standard deviation of a set of weight distributions on a numeric scoresco.distri
Relationships between one score and qualitative variablessco.gauss
1D plot of a numeric score with labelssco.label
1D plot of a pair of numeric scores with labelssco.match
Graph to Analyse the Relation between a Score and Quantitative Variablessco.quant
Graphs for One Dimensionscore scoreutil.base
Graphs to study one factor in a Multiple Correspondence Analysisscore.acm
Reciprocal scaling after a correspondence analysisreciprocal.coa score.coa
Graphs to Analyse a factor in a Mixed Analysisscore.mix
Graphs to Analyse a factor in PCAscore.pca
Students and Subjectsseconde
Separated Analyses in a K-tablesplot.sepan print.sepan sepan summary.sepan
Morphometric Evolutionskulls
STATIS and Co-Inertia : Analysis of a series of paired ecological tablesstatico
Monte-Carlo test on a Statico analysis (in C).statico.krandtest
STATIS, a method for analysing K-tablesplot.statis print.statis statis
Transect in the Vegetationsteppe
Projections of Supplementary Columnssupcol supcol.coa supcol.dudi
Projection of additional items in a PCO analysissupdist
Projections of Supplementary Rowspredict.dudi suprow suprow.acm suprow.coa suprow.dudi suprow.fca suprow.mix suprow.pca
Projections of Supplementary Rows for a Partial Triadic Analysis of K-tablessuprow.pta
Representation of a quantitative variable in front of a phylogenetic treesymbols.phylog
Two Questions asked on a Sample of 1000 Respondentssyndicats
Average temperatures of 30 French citiest3012
Plot of Contingency Tablestable.cont
Graph Display for Distance Matricestable.dist
Plot of the arrays by grey levelstable.paint
Plot arrays in front of a phylogenetic treetable.phylog
Plot of the Arraystable.prepare table.value
Mountain Avifaunatarentaise
Examples of
Function to perform a test of dimensionalitytestdim testdim.pca
Selection of the number of dimension by two-fold cross-validation for multiblock methodstestdim.multiblock
Tinto and Odiel estuary geochemistrytintoodiel
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowerstithonia
Morphological Study of the Painted Turtletortues
Homogeneous Tabletoxicity
Triangular Representation and Groups of pointstriangle.class
Triangular Plottingadd.position.triangle triangle.biplot triangle.param triangle.plot triangle.posipoint
Pair of Ecological Datatrichometeo
Phylogeny and quantitative traits of ungulates.ungulates
Elimination of Duplicated Rows in a Arrayuniquewt.df
The phylogenetic ANOVAvariance.phylog
Partition of the variation of a response multivariate table by 2 explanatory tablesprint.varipart varipart
Vegetation in Trois-Fontainesvegtf
Example for Centring in PCAveuvage
Within-Class Analysiswca wca.dudi
Within-class coinertia analysiswca.coinertia
Within-Class RLQ analysisplot.witrlq print.witrlq wca.rlq
Freshwater fish zoogeography in west Africawestafrica
Within-Class Analysisplot.witcoi plot.within print.witcoi print.within summary.within
Normed within principal component analysiswithinpca
Internal Correspondence Analysissummary.witwit witwit.coa witwitsepan
Plant assemblages in woodlands of the conurbation of Angers (France)woangers
French Worker Survey (1970)worksurv
Distance Matricesyanomama
Road distances in New-Zealandzealand