--- title: "MSF Outbreak Dictionaries" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{MSF outbreak dictionaries} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", echo = FALSE ) ``` There are four MSF outbreak dictionaries available: - Cholera/Acute watery diarrhea ("Cholera") - Meningitis ("Meningitis) - Measles/Rubella ("Measles") - Acute Jaundice Syndrome (often suspected to be Hepatitis E) ("AJS") > You can read more about the outbreak dictionaries at # Acute Jaundice Syndrome (AJS) ## Variables in the dictionary The AJS dictionary contains definitions for `r nrow(epidict::msf_dict("AJS"))` variables: ```{r ajs, results="asis"} library(epidict) ajs <- msf_dict("AJS") names_desc <- ajs[c("data_element_formname", "data_element_shortname", "data_element_description", "data_element_valuetype")] DT::datatable(names_desc) ``` ## Option codes The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated. ```{r ajs_values, results = "asis"} ajs_codes <- tidyr::unnest(ajs, cols = options)[c("data_element_shortname", "data_element_valuetype", "option_code", "option_name", "option_order_in_set")] DT::datatable(ajs_codes) ``` # Cholera ## Variables in the dictionary The Cholera dictionary contains definitions for `r nrow(epidict::msf_dict("Cholera"))` variables: ```{r cholera, results="asis"} library(epidict) cholera <- msf_dict("Cholera") names_desc <- cholera[c("data_element_formname", "data_element_shortname", "data_element_description", "data_element_valuetype")] DT::datatable(names_desc) ``` ## Option codes The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated. ```{r cholera_values, results = "asis"} cholera_codes <- tidyr::unnest(cholera, cols = options)[c("data_element_shortname", "data_element_valuetype", "option_code", "option_name", "option_order_in_set")] DT::datatable(cholera_codes) ``` # Measles ## Variables in the dictionary The Measles dictionary contains definitions for `r nrow(epidict::msf_dict("Measles"))` variables: ```{r measles, results="asis"} library(epidict) measles <- msf_dict("Measles") names_desc <- measles[c("data_element_formname", "data_element_shortname", "data_element_description", "data_element_valuetype")] DT::datatable(names_desc) ``` ## Option codes The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated. ```{r measles_values, results = "asis"} measles_codes <- tidyr::unnest(measles, cols = options)[c("data_element_shortname", "data_element_valuetype", "option_code", "option_name", "option_order_in_set")] DT::datatable(measles_codes) ``` # Meningitis ## Variables in the dictionary The Meningitis dictionary contains definitions for `r nrow(epidict::msf_dict("Meningitis"))` variables: ```{r meningitis, results="asis"} library(epidict) meningitis <- msf_dict("Meningitis") names_desc <- meningitis[c("data_element_formname", "data_element_shortname", "data_element_description", "data_element_valuetype")] DT::datatable(names_desc) ``` ## Option codes The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated. ```{r meningitis_values, results = "asis"} meningitis_codes <- tidyr::unnest(meningitis, cols = options)[c("data_element_shortname", "data_element_valuetype", "option_code", "option_name", "option_order_in_set")] DT::datatable(meningitis_codes) ``` # Exploring the dictionaries You can explore the excel-formatted dictionaries with `browseURL(system.file("extdata", "MSF-outbreak-dict.xlsx", package = "epidict"))`, but treat it as read-only.