MSF Outbreak Dictionaries

There are four MSF outbreak dictionaries available:

  • Cholera/Acute watery diarrhea (“Cholera”)
  • Meningitis (“Meningitis)
  • Measles/Rubella (“Measles”)
  • Acute Jaundice Syndrome (often suspected to be Hepatitis E) (“AJS”)

You can read more about the outbreak dictionaries at

Acute Jaundice Syndrome (AJS)

Variables in the dictionary

The AJS dictionary contains definitions for 68 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.


Variables in the dictionary

The Cholera dictionary contains definitions for 45 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.


Variables in the dictionary

The Measles dictionary contains definitions for 52 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.


Variables in the dictionary

The Meningitis dictionary contains definitions for 53 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.

Exploring the dictionaries

You can explore the excel-formatted dictionaries with browseURL(system.file("extdata", "MSF-outbreak-dict.xlsx", package = "epidict")), but treat it as read-only.